Finding Flow in your life, your team or your business is an investment of time – listening, understanding, making changes and embedding those changes. This investment will improve your happiness, well-being and overall business success. Now you’re going to have a team that really builds your business! It is a truly collaborative process and this is how it works.
The Process for Finding Flow
Step 1 - The Discovery Call
Set up a free consultation call with me to tell me about yourself, your team, your business and your challenges. We will talk about your teams, the individuals, your system (stakeholders) and what outcomes/changes you would like to achieve. Every team and scenario is different and typically requires different exercises and discussion. The process below describes some tools and exercises which we may use with your team. My ask of you at this stage is to be open to what comes.
Step 2 - My Proposal
After our call, I send you a written proposal outlining the costs and process we will use to work together. At this point, I will estimate the number of workshops we will need ( See Step 5), based on size of team and complexity of issues we have discussed. Once you agree to work together, I will send you an invoice for 25% of the fee which will book you into my Listening & Workshop diary for an agreed start date.
Step 3 - Context & Homework
You need to set some context for the team of the journey we are about to embark on, I can join you for this intro but the output will be some homework to prepare for the listening sessions. Homework can include – Issues/challenges/lifelines – individual and team/achievements/misses. We agree homework based on the issues you consider needs to be addressed.
Step 4 - Listening
This is a key step to how I work. The listening process involves existing data ( surveys, past feedback, team changes, org structure (now, previous & maybe future), team homework (see 3), one to one and full team sessions. In these sessions we will use a variety of tools to listen; imagery, body sculpting, meditation, system constellations…
Before our workshops we will meet to review the output from listening and agree the challenges to be addressed in the workshops. At this stage we will confirm the number and content of the workshops and I will invoice for a further 25% of the agreed fee.
Step 5 - Workshops
Workshop 1 -4: Review the outcome from the listening exercises and consider how the team can find their flow. This is a collaborative exercise where I can propose ideas based on what I heard and the group agrees which issues to work on. In each of the workshops we will continue to use some non-conventional tools to bring the team to awareness and change rather than relying on our voices, the logic and often egoic mind.
Typically issues which need to be resolved can include some or all of those below
Roles and Responsibilities
Decision making
Meeting culture
Management style
Hybrid working
Following feedback and evaluation of the listening and Issues workshops a further 30% of the agreed fee will be due
Step 6 – Feedback, Evaluate & Review
A team may be more in flow after the listening session (awareness) or may get there after the workshops ( more awareness and commitment to change) but it is unlikely that the team will sustain flow without regular checkin and feedback. As a team you will need to consider how to maintain your flow, how to call each other out and how to bring each other back on track. All programmes include 2/3 sessions for evaluation and review of the progress made and how to sustain your success ( usually in 3 or 6 mth increments)
Final fee ( 20%) is due along with detailed client evaluation, feedback and testimonial to be written/ recorded.